I have just finished this cushion cover for a client. Her husband has two small cushions that he likes a lot but that she, er, doesn't. She asked me to create new covers for them but I could see immediately that these cushions were loved just the way they were and that new covers would remove the essence from the cushions (they have old faux-fur covers and are stuffed with kapok) and I didn't want to be the one to do that. So... I suggested that I make I new single, zipped cover to hold both the old cushions in. That way everyone is happy - the sofa looks nice most of the time and when the footy's on, the old cushions can come out and be appreciated! Hurrah.
Une cliente m'a demandé de recouvrir deux coussins qui appartiennent à son mari et que lui adore et que, vous l'avez deviné, elle n'aime pas. Lorsque je les ai vu j'ai toute de suite compris que ces coussins étaient aimés... dans l'état (ils sont en faux-fourrure et rembourrés de kapok) et que n'importe quelle modification n'allait pas le faire. Donc j'ai proposé de faire une housse, zippée, pour les deux. Comme ça le canapé est joli le plupart du temps et puis, quand le mari regarde la télé, les deux coussins peuvent être sortis et appréciés.
Difficult to see in the photo, but I had fun quilting this cover. I wrote "hidden treasures" on the green line, above and "où sont-ils cachés" (where are they hiding) on the brown line.
Difficile de voir dans les photos mais je me suis bien amusé avec cette housse: j'ai écrit "hidden treasures" (trésors cachés) sur la ligne verte, ci-dessus, et "où sont-ils cachés?" sur la ligne marron.I also quilted a fish, some spirals and waves and various other squiggles, oh and the husband's name onto the cover. I love the way this project turned out and hope my client and her husband like it too.
J'ai aussi mis un dessin d'un poisson, des spirales, des vagues, d'autres gribouillages et aussi le prénom du mari. Je suis contente de ce projet et j'espère que ma cliente et son mari le seront aussi.
OK I don't know why but my photo doesn't want to lie down... so tilt your head to the left to admire my first ever attempt at making seitan. I love seitan (delicious meaty foodstuff made with wheat gluten) and have been wanting to make some for a long time. But I was scared it would be a long process and er yukky! Well... NO!!! I used Terry Hope Romero's recipe in her new book, Viva Vegan, which is an early Christmas present to me from my brother (not sure he meant it to be an early one but I knew what the parcel was and just tore right into it - couldn't wait - and I was was right because look! Seitan!!!). In this recipe you steam the seitan for half an hour. It was quick to make and delicious. Won't be buying any of that again! Hurrah!
OK donc ci-dessous une photo du premier seitan que j'ai fait. Il était facile à faire et délicieux. J'ai utilisé la recette de Terry Hope Romero dans son nouveau livre "Viva Vegan". Et là, je vous laisse j'ai vu l'heure et j'ai trop de choses à faire...
Gorgeous cushion....makes me want to pull out my sewing machine. And gorgeous seitan, too! Happy New Year, JBL!