
Breathing Deeply

Notre train était arrêté aujourd'hui à La Défense et on a profité, moi et D, pour faire un petit tour ...

J'adore cet endroit.

Some youths were hurling stones at the tracks tonight as D and I were trying to get home (from the theatre no less) so our train was stopped indefinitely and we made the most of it by going for a walk around La Défense. I love this place. I love its space.


  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I am surprised that you like a place where stones are thrown at you when you go home.

  2. To be continued... the stones were thrown further down the line so we saw nothing but the trains couldn't pass. I like the place where the train was held up though.

  3. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I am surprised too because tu as d'abord écrit en français puis tu as traduit en anglais, yeah!!! une nouvelle ère commence ...
    la domi


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