In fact I have two or three ideas chugging along in the slow-lane of my mind and I thought I would write about them here, today.
Some vegan friends of mine came to stay last week and we had a great time together. I love them very dearly and I always feel refreshed and buzzy when I have spent time with them. Of course now I keep thinking of things I wanted to do with them, cook for them, talk with them about... but we did make the most of our few days together so I can't complain. My thoughts keep drifting back to us buying some Berthillon cacao amer sorbet as per our little ritual when we hang out in Paris (no Eiffel Tower for us, oh no, we much prefer falafel and chocolate sorbet). I ordered my two scoops of sorbet (1 choc, 1 fig - yummy yum yum) in a little paper pot because cones have egg in but my vegan friend preferred to take his in the cone because the pots and their spoons are a waste of packaging... Wow. I haven't even got my head around this a week later! I love the idea of being so flexible - I'll eat the small amount of egg in the cone because I think the alternative packaging is a bigger problem. But actually I'm not sure that my mind is alert and flexible enough to make these snap decisions as and when they are needed. I'm more of a "I do not eat egg, I do not eat egg, I do not eat egg" kind of person. OK I don't want to sound like some freak... seeing Jesus in a slice of toast, making a mountain out of a molehill or whatever. But I think it is remarkable to live in such a thoughtful way. Hurrah! And now I am worried a lot more than I was about packaging and might have to... God forbid... change some habits. Like stop buying yoghurt in little pots but in big pots, start making my own fruit purées and biscuits on a regular basis, go back to Lush for some more packaging-free shampoo (it's like a bar of soap) rather than buying a plastic bottle of the stuff from my local supermarket.
If you got to the end of this spiel... I guess my point is that I want to keep my mind on it's toes and not let my behaviour get stuck in a rut. Even if the rut seems to be a "good" one (i.e. vegan, organic etc).
Hum... I think I'll mention the other stuff (the horse milk, the Wombles...) in another post.
Le français viendra...
C'est bizarre... lorsque j'écris l'anglais de mon blog je ne sais pas trop ce que je vais dire. Mais quand j'écris le français, je sais ce qe j'ai dit. Et je n'ai pas tellement envie de le redire. Je n'ai jamais aimé traduire. Ca m'ennuie! Je vais peut-être essayer d'écrire le français d'abord une ou deux fois pour voir si je préfère redire en anglais.
Bref... la photo ci-dessus est d'un sac que l'on m'a commandé. J'en suis très contente pour le moment et il est presque fini. Ce n'est pas en fait le premier sac que j'ai fabriqué sur commande. Mais je n'ai pas encore parlé de cet aspet de ma vie créative, ici sur mon blog. Je ferai un message spécial pour présenter tout cela prochainement.
Je voulais hier parler de mes amis qui sont venus nous voir la semaine dernière. Ils sont végétaliens et vivent en Ecosse.
Oops la suite later... désolée
Thanks for stopping by MY blog, I'm glad to be able to visit yours.
ReplyDeleteI love the look of your bag! Do you have an online shop somewhere? Are you going to post more pictures? Very cute. And the stroller bag is awesome too, I like the graphic on it. And all your patchwork stuff. And so on, and so on. ROTFL!!!
Hihihi! C'est marrant ces questions existentielles de traduction bloggesque. Chez moi la langue d'écriture dépend de mon humeur ;o) Bonne continuation, ton blog est très agréable.
ReplyDeleteHi Berry! Oh que je suis nulle! Mais mieux vaut tard que jamais et donc dans cet esprit-là je te remercie beaucoup d'avoir laissé un commentaire si sympa! Je connaîs ton blog et suis en admiration de tes talents de linguiste et de couturière. A bientôt!