
Recycled Dress

I have no money right now and also no clothes. So I made myself a new dress (uniquely for layering as shown by the way) out of a publicity sleeveless t-shirt (never worn since I am not a billboard) and an old maternity t-shirt with smelly armpits (which of course are now history - are YOU laughing?). I lurve it and so might well do a tutorial when I make a second - although really you don't need a tutorial to figure it out. Oh I am wearing the dress over the clothes I had on which is confusing since my t-shirt has cut-outs at the top of my arms - the dress is the khaki top bit and skirt with a black midriff. The photo below shows the fun part of trying it on inside out and pinning to fit.
I haven't been doing much creative stuff at all over the last week or so. S has a cold so requires more loving attention than usual. But this little project has made me feel good so who knows, maybe things will speed up.

Et voilà ma nouvelle robe! J'ai reconstitué deux t-shirts: un t-shirt pour future maman (la partie noire du milieu) et un débardeur jamais porté (en kaki - la partie du haut et la jupe). Je suis hyper contente du résultat et je compte en faire un deuxième car j'ai ce qu'il faut... deux anciens t-shirts! Je ferai peut-être en même temps une explication comment faire pour que vous aussi vous pouvez ajouter une couche à votre look!

1 comment:

  1. This dress looks awesome!

    Thank you so much for the comments on my blog! Made my day!


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