
The shirt

The shirt is now finished - those buttons are so beautiful. Little mother of pearl squares. This pattern, as I was saying in the last post, is from Burdastyle (great site) and it is one of those wardrobe essentials. For those who have a standard wardrobe - which I don't and this is why this piece really just isn't right! Maybe if I had a job. But I don't. So... great shirt. Nothing bad to say about it at all. But it just isn't my style. Argh!!! Also, and believe me this is not a minor issue, F hates buttons and wouldn't clean her teeth tonight until I had taken off the offending button-bearing article of clothing. Now we can't have that now can we? A very important thing though is that I felt so good to have made this; boy my mood was lifted!!

Un essai... en français!! Voilà mon nouveau chemisier. J'adore les boutons - petits carrés en nacre - et le modèle (Emily de Burdastyle.Com) est vraiment parfait. Rien à dire si ce n'est... dommage c'est pas du tout mon style! Mais pas du tout. Et puis F déteste les boutons et refusait de se brosser les dents ce soir tant que j'avais toujours la chemise sur mon dos. Le défi maintenant - fabriquer quelque chose qui correspond à ... à moi !! Mais qu'est-ce que ça fait du bien de bien faire ou de faire de jolies choses, même celles qui nous correspondent pas forcément. (Je choisis le bleu pour le français. Ca colle bien non?) A+ peut-être.

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