

Hurrah!! I'm back! I finally have an internet connection at home. I have to say it was er an interesting experience not having access to the web for almost three months (THREE MONTHS!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!). I found it difficult - it felt like I had a permanent itch to scratch and of course I was out of touch with my family and friends which was pretty isolating at a time when everything and everyone around me was new. I have become so reliant on the web for finding out anything from a doctor's telephone number to whether snails moult(?!) that I felt like I was living with the pause button on. But, I'm not going to dwell on that or analyse it. Play is back on. Yay!

I have decided that it would be impossible for me to do a single catch-up post and so I plan to post every day for the next few days with little things I'd like to share with you (moving, our new house, my attempts at growing things to eat, craft projects...).

I wanted to wow you with an amazing photo for my first post back. But that is not going to happen since, looking in my files, er, I don't seem to have any amazing shots! Must work harder on that!
So here is a photo of one of my favourite views in our new house. Taken from the lounge area looking towards the courtyard across our kitchen dining area. I love living here. It feels like we have so much space. Lovely, empty space!

See you tomorrow then!

Hourra! (c'est comme ça que l'on dit non?) Je suis connectée!! Reconnectée, revivante, rinformée (!). C'est une sensation sensationnelle!! Ces trois mois de déconnection m'ont permis de... me déconnecter (il faut que j'arrête de faire ça). J'en ai bien profité, j'ai fait pleins de choses et je vais vous en parler. Mais pas aujourd'hui. Petit à petit. Today vous n'avez droit qu'à une photo de qualité très moyenne mais qui montre bien notre espace. Ahhh. Ici on respire.

A demain!

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