
Birthday fun!

Oops no post yesterday. Never mind! But I did make lots of ice-cream. There are now five flavours and they remain very popular with the kids.Today was a certain little boy's birthday and much fun was had by all. D had the great idea, later on in the day, of putting on Stevie Wonder's (wonderful) song Happy Birthday and we all boogied like crazy to it. I feel a family tradition in the making. Actually we've been listening to some great tunes around here recently (er I bet you noticed the Bob more than the ice creams in the above photo) and one of our plans in our new house will be to put the television and DVDs on the top floor out of the way and keep the music on the ground floor. D has great taste and aside from Stevie Wonder, likes things like Queen, Abba, Boney M, Anthony and the Johnsons...). Great taste for a six year old I mean. A good friend of ours came round at lunchtime and sautéed us some cèpe mushrooms. He works as a buyer in the fruit and vegetable 'industry' and so got a bargain price on these otherwise priceless fungi. Here you can see the ratte potatoes boiling, the cèpes sautéing and my tempeh grilling. I wish I had taken before photos - they are such an incredible size. And they were delicious to eat.

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