My hand was operated on last Tuesday (for my carpal tunnel syndrome). Everything went well and it was quite an experience since I had never been operated on before. I like my surgeon and am seeing him again in September. I can already tell that the operation was a success although my scar is a bit sore and I cannot apply much force with my fingers. The above picture is of course the "before" one. I do have an "after" one but I don't want to gross you out!
I hope you all are having a great summer and I'll post again when we get back in the last week of August.
heh jenny !!merci pour ton gentil com et en effet c'est pour petites et grandes...j'espère que ta main ne te fais plus trop souffrir et que les vacances étaient bonnes!!pour nous aussi mais la rentrée arrive à grand pas pour tous!!a bientôt des bises