But I do have stuff to show! I made these shorts for D. The pattern is from Girly Style Wardrobe and they are so simple to make and require so little fabric that I want to make lots of pairs (but won't since D doesn't need lots of pairs). She loves them because of the broderie anglaise trim.
Coucou les amis! On va voir si j'arrive à écrire quelque chose en français ce soir! Le foot vient de terminer donc théoriquement je serai plus concentrée que pour la partie anglaise (où il était toujours en cours). Mais j'ai perdu un peu l'habitude d'écrire mon blog et cela ne vient pas aussi automatiquement. Aujourd'hui je n'ai rien à dire, juste des photos à vous montrer. J'ai fait deux bas et un haut pour D. Le premier que j'ai fait c'est le pantalon style 'bloomer'. Le patron vient du magazine Burda Tendances Mode Avril 2008 et est un modèle de Barbara Lang que j'ai découverte dans ce magazine et que j'aime beaucoup. Après j'ai fait deux modèles de Girly Style Wardrobe - un short et un top et je suis très contente du résultat. Voilà c'est tout! En ce moment je suis assez préoccupée par mon histoire de tunnel carpien et j'ai deux RV la semaine prochaine pour essayer de déterminer le traitment qu'il me faut...
whaou what a good job u did!!i like it so much!!des bises
ReplyDeleteMerci Sophy! Je suis contente de te retrouver ici et contente que ça te plaît. xxx
ReplyDeleteI have been searching high and low for a sarouel pant pattern but haven't seen "the perfect one". I saw your striped linen pants on your flicker site and........PERFECTION. Do you have a pattern for sale? I have a child who has MANY clothing issues and I think these just might save my sanity! If it's not your pattern would you mind directing me to it so I could purchase? Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm Damien's fiancee and we love your blog. I am also a craft/art person: quilts, painting, and printmaking.
ReplyDeleteI think the clothes you make for your daughter are beautiful.
I was sorry to see that you have carpal tunnel, as well. I can only imagine what that's like. But I have full confidence in French surgeons. One of the most amazing coincidences I have ever heard of is that the same surgeon in Cherbourg operated on my Grandma in 2004 or so when her hip replacement was dislocated and on me last Summer when I broke my shoulder. So, anyway, I am fully confident in the abilities of French surgeons and was v favourably impressed by my stay in hospital. Better than the NHS.
ReplyDeleteHope to see you sooner rather than later, once we're in England!
Hi Julie! Wow - I am glad you think my pattern is perfection (I think my glow will last all day). You are not the only one who has requested this pattern, which is my own, but I have been procrastinating doing a tutorial. It has become top priority and I will work on it this weekend... to be continued!
ReplyDeleteHello Suzanne! I am really pleased to get this comment from you. I am glad you like my blog. Damien showed me photos of your work (paintings and quilts) and I also like what you do. I loved seeing you painting on the beach with Rosa-Maria (gosh have I got her name right?). I hope to meet you soon and am so happy for you and Damien - congratulations!
Hi Dames! Nice to hear from you. When ARE you guys coming back? When WILL we be able to get together? Hey I agree about French surgeons. Also things move so quickly - I am seeing a surgeon on Thursday and only took the RV last Tuesday. Hey could be the same one as yours and your grandma's. Ha ha. Right comments aren't meant to last forever. xx
the pant tutorial...so excited. had a spare minute to read through more of your blog and laughed out loud at your remark about not revealing your veganism to another family. we are currently living in dublin and i can't get started on the food here...thankfully the beauty and people make up for it. but at home in portland, oregon we are RAW vegans....i always tell my husband i'd rather discuss religion than eating habits as people are 100x more bitterly impassioned about their diet.....
ReplyDeleteNow I'm laughing! It's so true! I often end up saying simply that I eat what I want to eat, just like anyone else! So have you had to change your diet now, in Ireland? I have only met one other vegan in France, he worked in a health food shop and was vegan but ate eggs because he needed the protein because he did a lot of lifting in his job???? So I suggested he check out veganbodybuilding.com!