Aiguille en fête
I apologise in advance for the poor quality of the photos in this post. I lost my photo-mojo in the woods.
Hum... it is a bit late to talk about it but last week I left the kids with my MIL and slinked (slunk, slank?) off to a needlecraft fair (Le Salon de l'Aiguille en Fête) at Parc de la Villette. The fair was mainly devoted to embroidery and patchwork. Although I was surrounded by people interested in fibre crafts like me, I really couldn't say that I felt surrounded by "like-minded" people. I realised to what extent my tastes differ from mainstream taste. But hey! I did meet some great people selling some great stuff. I bought a whole bunch of fat quarters (mainly Kaffe Fasset) to add to my stash and I also picked up some amazing hand-dyed fabric in greys, purples and red. This last batch is the starting point of a quilt I would like to make for my bed and it feels strange and scary to actually plan something from nothing rather than to throw fabrics together spontaneously. We'll see what happens.
Japan was the guest of honour at the fair. There were exhibitions of kimonos and shibori techniques - loads of interesting stuff to look at. I was really really pleased to pick up some of that fairytale fabric I see so much of on the web. And speaking of webs... I found half a yard of purple Echino spiderweb fabric for 5euros (top left of the photo below).
I have had my eyes on that print in that colour way for so long but couldn't bring myself to order from the US (was stung so badly by a customs bill last time...) so I am sure fate sent me a consolation half yard - it was a cash only stand and guess what - I had no cash. Probably a good thing because I know I wouldn't have been able to resist! I also got a couple of Japanese clothes-making books. Yay. I am planning a sweet dress for D - more on that another day.
Yesterday we went to the park with a friend and her kids. S had his first ride on a roundabout and was totally blazé about the whole thing, he was in a car and propped his little elbow up quite naturally, like a little boy racer - so funny. D didn't want to go on it and she spent the time scouring the park for these things (see photo) for me. I was very touched and saw right into D's true self. She would much rather pick flowers or hunt around for rocks or things than go on a buzzing, flashing merry-go-round.
Things are busy busy round here and I have loads of projects on the go. I have been making bags, am having a break right now from cutting out for a purple, yellow and green patchwork blanket and am planning to sew a jean skirt tomorrow as well as start the Japanese dress for D. Pictures will follow I promise when I have found my mojo. (I'm English so don't know what a mojo is but I know what I think it is).
Bonsoir les amis! Les superbes photos ci-dessus sont oh et zut, je recommence... je ne sais pas ce qui m'arrive mais je ne suis pas capable de prendre une belle photo en ce moment. Et ce n'est pas faute d'essayer. Donc désolée mais les trois premiers images ci-dessus ne rendent pas du tout l'excellence du salon de l'Aiguille en Fête que j'ai visité la semaine dernière. Le Japon était l'invité d'honneur et j'en étais ravie. Sont rentrés avec moi des bouts de kimono, un bout de tissu ECHINO (cliquez ici si vous ne connaissez pas - j'adoooore), des tissus de conte en fées (Peter Pan pour S et Blanche Neige pour D) et deux livres japonais sur les vêtements d'enfants. J'ai aussi acheté tout un tas de tissus pour mes coussins. Je voulais y aller pour acheter car je suis en général déçue par le choix de tissus disponibles en France mais il y avait de belles choses à voir aussi. Bilan: satisfaction totale!! Et un après-midi toute seule - ouf! (même au milieu d'une foule, être toute seule est un grand luxe pour moi).
Nous sommes allés au parc avec ma copine (salut copine!!) et ses enfants hier. S a fait son premier manège (désinvolte, petite coude appuyée sur le bord de la voiture comme un pro - qu'est-ce que nous avons ri). D préférait ne pas faire de manège et elle s'est occupée à ramasser des choses (ces choses dans la 4ème photo) pour moi. Je l'adore comme ça, dans ces moments "vrais". C'est une petite fille qui aime être seule - mais dans sa tête, surtout pas physiquement - comme moi, et qui aime cueillir les fleurs, ramasser des cailloux. Je la trouve très poétique (dans ces moments-là en tout cas).
Bon. Dodo. Ciao!
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