
Computer problems

Hi! I have no idea if there is anyone out there checking back here for news. But if you are then I am sorry. My laptop broke and I sent it in for repairs and it will be back in the New Year. I have borrowed one in the meantime but I don't have a convenient way of uploading photos and don't feel quite so at home on it so I haven't posted.

Not much news though. I have just hemmed my trousers today and am wearing them (me likey!!). Oh I have just realised that my "not much news" is potentially an enormous piece of news because I think I have decided to try to sell some hero-capes for children in the New Year. Here is the starting point:

I will explain more when I am back in action. I am going to my parents' for Christmas in England with the kids. I will probably be able to post from there. In the meantime, happy hols to all!!

Bonjour bonjour! Mon ordi m'a planté il y a quelques semaines maintenant (je pense - en tout ça fait comme si c'était des mois) et il ne sera réparé qu'en début d'année. Et oui, je vis un cauchemar (en partie car l'email avec lequel je me suis envoyé mes liens favoris m'a aussi planté et je n'ai que mes favoris "actualités". Super! Mes petites lectures quotidiennes de blogs me manque terriblement!

Je vais en Angleterre chez mes parents pour Noël et je pense que j'aurai la possibilité de poster des messages de là-bas. En attendant, la photo ci-dessus vous montre le début d'une idée que j'ai pour l'année prochaine.

A bientôt et bonnes fêtes à tous!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you!

    Don't know when you'll get this, if you have no permanent computer at the moment, but I have a solution to the problem of having lost all your 'liens favoris'. It's the Delicious site:


    which is actually how I have accessed your blog today! What it is, is a 'social bookmarking' site where you can save your bookmarks to their server. You then log into that server when you want to use your bookmarks. There's even a plugin for Firefox, if you use that browser, so that the bookmarks can appear in your toolbar (like normal bookmarks) instead of your having to go to an external website for them - but they are still saved on the external website as well.

    I downloaded this when the same thing happened to me as has happened to you, and it's great! The advantages are that you don't lose your bookmarks when you lose your computer, and secondly you can access your bookmarks from any online computer at all, if you're travelling for example.

    All this free publicity, and I don't even work for them!

    Hope you're all doing well, anyway. I love reading your blog, and so does Suzanne.


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