

I had a really nice little potter around my courtyard today and put my first lot of pansies in. I love pansies. I love their smell, their colours, the fact they last from October to May, that they don't freeze, that in French their name means "thoughts". I plan to go overboard on the whole pansy front this year. And I also plan to plant some bulbs on time. And to generally look after my outdoor space which has been a bit neglected since we got back from holidays. Plans, pansies, pensées...

Ca y est j'ai mis mes premières pensées. J'adore les pensées. Leur odeur, leurs couleurs, leur résistance, leur durée de vie, leur nom. J'ai envie de remplir mon petite espace extérieure avec. Petit à petit jusqu'à ce qu'il n'y a plus de place pour en mettre encore.

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