
My Club

Hello again! My Mum went home today. It felt like she lived just next door, rather than in a different country, since she left in the morning and we spoke on the phone mid-afternoon once she had arrived. I had a really nice time with her and wish we did live a little closer. The last two days of her stay were spent trying to make a decent chair cover from the "toile" I had already made of my wonderful leather club chair. Now this chair has a story = it was found in the street in Versailles by my friend when I lived in a studio flat in Paris. He knew I was poor and furnitureless and besides he still lived with his Mum, and so he bought me the chair in his Renault 5 (boot door open of course) and I adopted the club and we lived happily together until I moved in with me man and he reckoned that over a square metre of floor space was wasted on the club. A tug of war ensued and usually the chair and I won. Then in one flat the club was relegated to the cellar and at that point another friend who shared my love of it offered to take it off my hands. I reluctantly agreed (because I think generosity is worth working at!). Goodbye dear chair. I resigned myself to a life without and many (a couple of) years passed. But then fate took a unforseeable twist when our friend too moved and decided that a square metre was too much space for this particular seat. Lets face it, Parisian rent per square metre is indeed extortionate. And we had just moved and so the club reentered my life. Reentered my life trashed by his cat. I left an old chair in good condition and got back a mess. But, a mess that was just as comfortable to sit on as before. Hence... I am making a new cover for it. Hum. Tea awaits! to be continued!

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